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Hibernate Tutorial

What is JDBC?

JDBC refers to the Java Database Connectivity. It provides java API that allows Java programs to access database management systems (relational database). The JDBC API consists of a set of interfaces and classes which enables java programs to execute SQL statements. Interfaces and classes in JDBC API are written in java.

Why Object-relational mapping (ORM)?

As we discussed JDBC provides a way for Java programs to communicate with the relational database. Java follows the object model and represents the data in the form of interconnected graph of objects whereas relational database represents the data in the tabular form. This creates a mismatch between the object model and the relational database. ORM resolve this mismatch problem.

What is ORM?

ORM refers to the Object-Relational Mapping. It is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems like relational databases and object oriented programming languages like java.

Commonly used Java ORM Frameworks:

  1. Hibernate.
  2. Enterprise JavaBeans Entity Beans
  3. Spring DAO


Hibernate tutorial:

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